Painting on shoes

Hey everyone,

Wanted to share the finished pair on Converse Chuck Taylors I have been working on the past 2 days.These shoes are going to be given away on the Liquitex Facebook page sometime in the near future so be sure to check there often. I also wanted to give everyone some steps on how to make a pair for yourself.

First I started off by taking all the laces out and taping off the white rubber soles to avoid ruining the soles. Once that was done, I took Liquitex Fabric Medium and used it almost as a primer to stop the markers from bleeding. Once that was dry I started designing and painting the shoes with Liquitex Paint Markers. I had a great time painting these shoes and hope that everyone enjoys them as well!

Photo Sep 06, 12 05 09 PM

Want your artwork featured on my blog?

So I’m going to start making a post everyday featuring another artist’s work. I will make a post featuring 1 work along with description, artist, bio and website (facebook, other blog things like that) if you have one.

It must be a work of art made with either Liquitex, Winsor & Newton, Conte a Paris or letraset! So send me an email to with all of this info and I will feature your work as soon as today!!!

I look forward to seeing everyones work!